
Demonic Lore II | EN World Tabletop RPG News & Reviews

This page has a bunch of useful notes.

quoth Rip, "Interestingly, back in 1e, Demogorgon was said to have ruled over layers filled with abyssal jungles inhabited with dinosaurs, wild apes, and bird-like monsters. A far cry from Abysm, his new water-filled layer. I'm not sure if this was retconned anytime down the line, but it's interesting nonetheless.

1e also said Demogorgon ruled more than one layer, so perhaps the simplest explanation (and the one used by Chris Nichols on the Mimir) is that one of his layers is jungle-filled, and another one is the watery layer of Gaping Maw (Abysm, as noted in both the Manual of the Planes and the Book of Vile Darkness, is the name of his palace, not his layer).

Or, simpler still, part of Gaping Maw is jungle-covered and part of it is watery. But perhaps that's too simple - if he has more than one layer, they might as well have themes.

The 1e MotP and Throne of Bloodstone were the two sources for this notion - which seems like enough."

1E MotP p 102: "The Realm of Demogorgon spans several layers..." well, obviously the 88th layer (Gaping Maw, Brine Flats) is his main home. H4 Throne of Bloodstone mentions a "Jungle Realm" (though this could just be an older description for the same plane), and there is Demonwing the wandering layer from A Paladin in Hell. Undoubtedly, "several" leaves room for a few more bases...

Orcus and Demogorgon appeared in the basic D&D rules (Immortal Set DM's Guide p30-34 and Wrath of the Immortals), so there is always the potential for a Mystara connection. Mystara's Demogorgon is also known as The Child, Bane of Souls, The Lizard King, and The
Dark Lady.

Demogorgon has a hatred of Sekolah the sahuagin god, and some myths suggest that he may have once been a vassal to Sekolah, magically compelled to service through an artifact. (Monster Mythology, p 88).

BoVD p 125, Demogorgon is also known as Lord of all that Swims in Darkness.
Followers described on p127-130 include Erath the tiefling, S'ruurr the lizardfolk, Qill the half-elf, Severik the balor, and Demogorgon's 12 marilith blackguards.

Demonwing - the plane Demogorgon fashioned into a boat. From A Paladin in Hell.

Meeting Demogorgon (Dragon #36)

The Ecology Of The Ixitxachitl (Dragon #85): Since the evil rays serve Demogorgon, Orcus sends marine undead (such as lacedons) to oppose them.

A Touch of Evil (Dragon #126): Suggests that death knights are bound to Demogorgon, and that the ghast is powerful due to "continued exposure to the magical forces of the Abyss." Likewise, Orcus and Demogorgon are blamed for skeletal warriors, and Orcus claims vampires as his servants.

Dragon #185 has the Gator men worshipping Gorn (Demogorgon).

Holian, Gary. "The Death Knights of Oerth." Dragon #290 (Paizo Publishing, Dec 2001):
Arendagrost, Maw of the Abyss. According to accounts at the time, the beast vaguely resembled an immense wingless dragon of gargantuan size. Instead of legs, it moved upon a sea of tentacles. In place of scales, it was covered in coarse black fur and had three heads that resembled monstrous horned fiends that breathed bloody acid, fire, and frost. Its six-fold eyes offerend instant death to anyone catching their hideous gaze...

Other sources, from Wikipedia:
•Bennie, Scott. "Setting Saintly Standards." Dragon #79 (TSR, Nov 1983).
•Holian, Gary. "Demogorgon's Champions: The Death Knights of Oerth, part 2." Dragon #291 (Paizo Publishing, Jan 2002).
•Reynolds, Sean K. "The Lost Temple of Demogorgon." Dungeon #120 (Paizo Publishing, 2005).

some possible encounters for Gaping Maw (suggested by Rip):
Awakened Dire Ape (Dungeon #120); Demon, Skulvyn (FF); Demon, Water (Dragon #306); Demon, Tanar'ri, Myrmyxicus (FF); Demon, Tanar'ri, Vrock (FF); Demon, Water (Dragon #306); Demonically Fused Water Elemental (Dragon #285/MM); Fiendish Ape (Dungeon #120); Girallon (MM); Ixitxachitl (MMII); Khaasta (FF); Kopru (MMII); Lizard King (Serpent Kingdoms); Lizardfolk (MM); Mephit, Water (MM); Morkoth (MMII); Orlythys (Dragon #285); Planar Dragon, Styx (Draconomnicon); Water Grue (Dragon #285); Yugoloth, Echinoloth (Stormwrack); Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (MMII)

also, for Demogorgon, Living Greyhawk Journal #7 is nice...

Drumorg, cambion son of Demorgorgon. From WG7: Castle Greyhawk, page 100.

Planescape Monstrous Compendium #2, p82, recounts a tale of a wizard named Alhazadrin that stole an artifact called the Jewel of Ghadros from Demogorgon, and the retriever who was sent to get it back.

Many details on Graz'zt can, of course, be found in the module For Duty and Diety.

Planes of Chaos, Monstrous Supplement, page 2:
"Also called the Lord of Shadows or the Lord of the Triple Realm"
"The armanite honor guard that pulls his carriage is a set of four white and four black Knechts"
"Graz'zt is rarely force into melee, since he is constantly surrounded by a guard of 13 babau."
"His charisma and flattery have helped him beget many other demigods on the Prime Material Plane, and he finds these offspring useful in strengthening the nabassu he sends to the Prime as a source of souls and magical items."
"Graz'zt also hopes to subvert the Doomguard to his ends, for they share some beliefs in common."

the 45th layer is heavily suggested to have once been a chunk of the Gray Waste (or perhaps the Waste insinuating itself into the Abyss given Grazzt's activities in the Blood War) (see Planes of Chaos, Book of Chaos, p27)

Planes of Chaos, Book of Chaos, page 27-28: the town crier of Zelatar is Mefisto the tiefling; Karnacki the Quick is a tiefling spellcaster who lives on the 45th layer; Omaranna the Doomgiver is a tiefling guide that is bound to the Abyss.

BoVD p 131-133, Graz'zt's followers include Anastasia the Chosen, Isha-Denarthun the lamia, Besmal the sorceress, Unhath and Reluhantis the mariliths, and Yattara the succubus.

Abyssal heraldry
From the Planes of Chaos Monstrous Supplement:
"Each armanite troupe carries an individual troupe banner and the banner of their current master or mistress, such as Graz'zt's diagonal black-and-white slash or Pazrael's golden talon on dark red."

Fiendish Fortresses (#233): By Monte Cook, features the tanar'ri Living Fortresses, and the Fist of Graz'zt, an artifact that amplifies damage done by spells, used in the Blood War.

Other sources, from Wikipedia:
•Greer, Stephen S. "Fiend's Embrace." Dungeon #121 (Paizo Publishing, 2005).
•Perkins, Chris, and Chris Thomasson. The Shackled City (Paizo Publishing, 2005).

some possible encounters for Azzagrat (suggested by Rip):
Blackstone Gigant (FF); Bloodthorn (FF); Bodak (MM); Caryatid Column (FF); Dark One (FF); Darkweaver (FF); Demon, Quasit (MM); Demon, Tanar'ri, Armanite (MotP); Demon, Tanar'ri, Bar-lgura (BoVD); Demon, Tanar'ri, Glabrezu (MM); Demon, Tanar'ri, Goristro (MotP); Demon, Tanar'ri, Jarilith (MMII); Demon, Tanar'ri, Jovoc (MMII); Demon, Tanar'ri, Kelvezu (MMII); Demon, Tanar'ri, Marilith (MM); Demon, Tanar'ri, Nabassu (Dungeon #112); Demon, Tanar'ri, Uridezu (MotP); Demon, Tanar'ri, Vrock (MM); Displacer Beast (MM); Elf, Drow (MM); Ephemera, Dusk Beast (MotP); Ephemera, Ecalypse (MotP); Ephemera, Umbral Bayan (MotP); Jermlaine (MMII); Mercane (MotP, ELH); Merchant Caravan (DMG, etc.); Mivilorn (MMIII); Nightmare (MM); Nightmare, Lesser (Planar Handbook); Shadow (MM); Slow Shadow (Dungeon #112); Swarm, Abyss Ant (FF); Vampire (MM); Vorr (FF); Yugoloth, Arcanaloth (MMII)

Besides slimes and oozes, Juiblex is revered by a few aboleths, having the strange belief that it maintains the integrity of their skins and their environment and must be propitiated, and that the demon lord holds arcane lost magical secrets that he will reveal to them one day. (Monster Mythology, p 67).

BoVD p135, one of Juiblex's rare mortal followers is Duvamil the gnome.

Creatures From Elsewhere (Dragon #47): Features the Sugo, originally created by Juiblex, but they turned against him and all things chaotic.

Other sources, from Wikipedia:
Pentney, Campbell. "Caverns of the Ooze Lord." Dungeon #132 (Paizo Publishing, 2006).

some possible encounters for Shedaklah, the Slime Pits (suggested by Rip):
Aboleth (MM); Anarchic Ooze Paraelemental (MotP); Aquatic Ooze (FF); Arcane Ooze (MMIII); Awakened Ooze (Dragon #304); Black Pudding (MM); Bone Ooze (MMII); Demon, Alkilith (FF); Demonically Fused Ooze Paraelemental (Dragon #285/MotP); Fiendish Creature (MM); Flux Slime (ELH); Gelatinous Cube (MM); Gibbering Mouther (MM); Gray Ooze (MM); Green Slime (DMG); Grue, Earth (Dragon #285); Mephit, Ooze (MM); Myconid (MMII); Ochre Jelly (MM); Paraelemental, Ooze (MotP); Phantom Fungus (MM); Phasm (MM); Rukarazyll (MMII); Reason Stealer (MMII); Shrieker (MM); Skum (MM); Sporebat (FF); Summoning Ooze (MMIII); Violet Fungus (MM); Yugoloth, Echinoloth (Stormwrack); Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (MMII)

according to The Inner Planes, page 84, Bwimb II and Juiblex have a mysterious relationship. Bwimb was allied with the Queen of Chaos, but it seems to be implied that Bwimb II's relationship with Juiblex is a new innovation, a demonstration that she is more resourceful than her father (who, you'll remember, Tenebrous thought was simply pathetic).

in the 1E DMG p164, a suggested possible method of destroying artifacts would be to "Cause it to be ... disintegrated in the putrid ichor of Juiblex's deliquescing flesh."


Orcussword - Dead Gods page 69

Many details on Orcus can, of course, be found in the modules Throne of Bloodstone and Dead Gods.

H4 page 75:
"City of Straight Curves
This city is ruled by a powerful lich with a bodyguard of death knights."
I wonder what happened to them - destroyed by the nabassu Glursidval perhaps? :)

Ter-Soth appears in H4, as a servant of Orcus.

1E MotP p 102: "From his empty halls Orcus rules many layers and is said to have conquered a number of Prime Material planes."

In the D&D Immortals Set, Orcus is also known as The Goat, Master of the Dead, Lord of Darkness, and The Black Prince (p 34 in the DM's Guide to Immortals).

Quah-Nomag was actually a half-ogre, in both Dead Gods and the 3E Manual of the Planes, though Book of Vile Darkness actually does refer to him as a human. Perhaps he is very human-looking despite his ogrish heritage (though BoVD does admit that he has ogre in his ancestry)?

BoVD p 139, one of Orcus' followers is Kauvra the half-orc vampire. Quah-Nomag and Harthoon are both mentioned in FC1.

Rotting Jack (Planes of Chaos, the Book of Chaos, page 29) A babau, formally a servant of Orcus, then a servant of Kiaransalee. Present status unknown.

Bleeding Setch (marquis cambion, apparently proxy of Orcus) - On Hallowed Ground p26

Demons, Devils, and Spirits (Dragon #42): Hacamuli, a servant of Orcus appears.

Leomund's Tiny Hut (Dragon #76): Hey, since the death master is in the Dragon Compendium, you have a potential for a crossover here when mentioning their master Orcus...

Setting Saintly Standards (Dragon #79): St. Bane the Scourger appears, who killed Orcus' servant the witch-ghoul Khuul and nearly Orcus himself.

Clerics Must be Deity-Bound (Dragon #85): The suggestion is made that Anubis probably hates Orcus, most likely due to portfolio conflicts.

The Known World Grimoire (Dragon #196): The orcish Tribe of the Sea Plague have their patron as Oruguz (a.k.a. Orcus).

this isn't exactly canon, but in White Dwarf mag, there were once Horsemen of Orcus.

Other sources, from Wikipedia:
•Collins, Andy and Bruce R Cordell. Libris Mortis (Wizards of the Coast, 2004).
•Jacobs, James. "Headless." Dungeon #89 (Paizo Publishing, 2001).
•Sernett, Matthew, Dave Noonan, Ari Marmell, and Robert J. Schwalb. Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow, and Truename Magic (Wizards of the Coast, 2006).

some possible encounters for Thanatos (suggested by Rip):
Allip (MM); Banshee (MMII); Bhut (FF); Bleakborn (Libris Mortis); Bleakborn, Evolved (Libris Mortis); Bodak (MM); Bone Creature (BoVD); Bone Naga (MMII); Bone Rat Swarm (Libris Mortis); Boneclaw (MMIII); Bonedrinker (MMIII); Bonesinger (Ghostwalk); Boneyard (Libris Mortis); Brain in a Jar (Libris Mortis); Caller in Darkness (Psi); Carcass Eater (Libris Mortis); Corpse Creature (BoVD); Corpse Gatherer (MMII); Crimson Death (MMII); Charnel Hound (MMIII); Corpse Rat Swarm (Libris Mortis); Crypt Chanter (Libris Mortis); Death Knight (MM); Deathlock (Libris Mortis); Deathshrieker (MMIII); Demilich (ELH); Demon, Artaaglith (Ghostwalk); Demon, Ash (Dragon #306); Demon, Blood Fiend (FF); Demon, Ice (Dragon #306); Demon, Shadow (BoVD); Demon, Tanar'ri, Maurezhi (FF); Demon, Tanar'ri, Nabassu (Dungeon #112); Dire Maggot (Libris Mortis); Dread Ram (Ghostwalk); Dream Vestige (Libris Mortis); Drowned (MMIII); Dust Wight (MMIII); Entomber (Libris Mortis); Effigy (MMII); Ephemeral Swarm (MMIII); Eye of Fear and Flame (BoVD); Forsaken Shell (Libris Mortis); Ghosteater (Ghostwalk); Ghoul, Gravetouched (Libris Mortis); Golem, Gravedirt (Libris Mortis); Golem, Tombstone (Libris Mortis, Monster Manual); Gravecrawler (MMII); Grimweird (MMIII); Half-Vampire (Libris Mortis); Hooded Pupil (Libris Mortis); Huecuva (FF); Hulking Corpse (Libris Mortis); Lavawight (ELH); Mephit, Dust (MM); Mephit, Ice (MM); Mephit, Salt (MM); Murk (Libris Mortis); Necronaut (MMIII); Necroplasm (Ghostwalk); Nether Hound (Dragon #322); Nightshade (MM); Plague Blight (Libris Mortis); Plague Spewer (MMIII); Planar Dragon, Styx (Draconomnicon); Salt Mummy (MMIII); Shadow (MM); Skin Kite (Libris Mortis); Skirr (Libris Mortis); Skulking Cyst (Libris Mortis); Slaymate (Libris Mortis); Slow Shadow (Dungeon #112); Spectral Steed (Ghostwalk); Spawn of Kyuss (MMII); Spellstitched Creature (MMII); Swarm-Shifter Mummy (Libris Mortis); Sword Wraith (FF); Tomb Mote (Libris Mortis); Ulgurstasta (FF); Undead Martyr (Ghostwalk); Vampire (MM); Vampire Spawn (MM); Vasuthaunt (MMIII); Vilewight (BoVD); Visage (Libris Mortis); Visage (Libris Mortis); Visage, Evolved (Libris Mortis); Wight, Slaughter (Libris Mortis); Winterwight (ELH); Wraith (MM); Wraith, Evolved (Libris Mortis); Yugoloth, Echinoloth (Stormwrack); Yugoloth, Marraenoloth (MMII)

The Maure Castle installment (in Dungeon #139) introduces a new demon, the "soul demon" which has a glasslike, transparent skull with burning abyss-fire within. They are minions of Orcus.

Yeenoghu his displaced the original deity of gnolls, Gorellik, because he offers clerics what Gorellik cannot: spellcasting ability and control of the undead. His preists are commanded to oppose followers of Gorellik. (Monster Mythology, p 83).

BoVD p142, Yeenoghu's followers include Rezwal the gnoll, and the Claw of Fury (13 gnoll fighters).

Splitfang (cambion proxy of Yeenoghu, in his lair The Seeping Woods); not sure which book this is in

But not least: The Humanoids (Dragon #63): Roger Moore's demihuman perspectives article series first presents the shoosuva.

Orcs Throw Spells, Too! (Dragon #141): Gnoll shamans of Yeenoghu are discussed.

The Sociology of the Flind (Dragon #173): Yeenoghu is mentioned a number of times in the footnotes section.

Doresain's a fiendish ghoul who became a demigod. He's undead rather than an outsider, and thus not a demon. While Libris Mortis said he had recently won his way free, apparently that lasted like five minutes, because he's back in Yeenoghu's grip as of Fiendish Codex I.

From Dragon #89:
ghuuna are the result of a special quasi-lycanthropy created by Yeenoghu that affects only gnolls, causing them to shapechange into hyaenodon form.”

some possible encounters for The Seeping Woods (suggested by Rip):
Bonedrinker (MMIII); Demon, Abyssal Eviscerator (Miniatures Handbook); Demon, Abyssal Maw (MMII); Demon, Abyssal Ravager (MMII); Demon, Abyssal Skulker (MMII); Demon, Tanar'ri, Jarilith (MMII); Demon, Tanar'ri, Maurezhi (FF); Demon, Tanar'ri, Nabassu (Dungeon #112); Dire Lion (MM); Famine Spirit (MMII); Half-Fiend (MM); Hill Giant (MM); Shoosuva (Dungeon #112); Troll (MM)


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-07-31